Company Taxation Service

(dividend tax and etc)

Company Taxation Service

We deliver comprehensive corporate tax services, including dividend tax, to help you optimize tax strategies and ensure compliance.

Corporate and Individual Tax Compliance

We can assist with your personal / corporate compliance matters that include:

  • Preparing and submitting your annual tax returns.
  • Submitting / revising your annual tax estimates.
  • Application for tax refund / tax instalment schemes

Capital allowance maximization

We can review your renovation and construction expenses to allow your business to enjoy maximum deduction in claiming capital allowances.

Sales and services tax

We can assist with the following with respect to sales and services tax (“SST”):

  • Review of your sales and services compliance including policy and tax filing.
  • Registration / deregistration of SST for your business.
  • Advise on service tax relief on services within the same group of companies.

Tax incentive applications

We can assist to review as well as apply for relevant tax incentives for your business.

Tax appeal

We can assist with tax appeal matters including appeal to the Inland Revenue Board and the Special Commissioners of Income Tax.

Voluntary disclosure

We can assist with the voluntary disclosure of your business’s tax liabilities with respect to corporate income tax, transfer pricing, sales and services tax.

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